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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Where is Alexander?

When I was 12, we studied ancient civilizations in school and I was hooked. I had  a fascination with ancient Egypt and vowed to become an egyptologist when I grew up. Ha! Yea right! I did major in Anthropology and decided that life wasn't going to work out for me.  I still love it though, and was excited to find the Egypt Unwrapped  series on Nat Geo.  I watched the episode today Alexander the Great's Lost Tomb and embarrassed to say I actually learned a lot from it. 

In 332 BC Alexander arrived in Egypt.  At the time, Egypt was controlled by the Persian Empire.  Alexander was able to force out the Persian army and become Pharaoh. Quite an accomplishment. He only spent 6 months there while living, though it is his eternal resting place.

Alexander was very smart in taking control of Egypt. In Karnak, the center of power in Upper Egypt, he restored the Temple of Thuthmosis III.  He claimed him as his spiritual ancestor, a great move as Thuthmosis is known as the Napoleon of Egypt.  He then made the 6 day journey across the Western desert to Siwea.  This desert oasis is the home of Amun, Father of the Pharaohs. After this journey, the future of Egypt was changed forever.

When Alexander died in Babylon, his body made its way back to Egypt for burial.  Everyone wants to find Alexander's body.  There are two known burials, Memphis and later Alexandria.  Alexander's tomb is DEFINITELY in Alexandria somewhere. As a matter of fact, it was a major tourist attraction for a few hundred years. There are many ancient accounts of what this golden shrine looked like and the approximate location within the city.  However, it has never been found.  Those who are on the hunt for the Alexandria tomb are actually known as Fools of Alexander. Since the ancient city is far below current day Alexandria and the area in which this tomb should be is very large, chances are, no one is going to find it. 

The question is, where is the body NOW? Theory holds that if the tomb is found, it would be empty.  Starting in the 4th century, Egypt was in turmoil over religious upheaval.  The religion of the gods was taken underground.  Was his body stolen? Was it taken by his followers to a safe place?

At the time of the religious power control, Alexander's followers supposedly took his body to the Bahariya Oasis.  There is an existing temple to Alexander there with evidence that the cult of Alexander was practicing here until 600AD.  The Valley of the Golden Mummies was found here in 1996.  The mummies all date to the Greco-Roman Period and are from all stations in life......from common people to rulers. Is this the final resting place of Alexander?

It would be awesome if any one of Alexander's tombs were found.  Even better if his body were found.  Since he died mysteriously, it would be great to have some forensic analysis done on his mummy. But, if the tomb is ever found (which it hasn't been), there is no way to know what happened to the body. So, why even speculate on where the body is without a tomb or a missing body for that matter?

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