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Friday, May 14, 2010

Costume Crazy

There is this new series on Current TV called Amazing Eccentrics.  It looked interesting and they are only 30 minutes. I watched the one on costumes, which had 5 segments. It was all about people that love wearing costumes for various reasons.   I guess I was supposed to think these people were freaks! I didn't! Does that make me one?

 The first was on Jay Maynard, or Tron Guy, as he is known on the internet.  He is famous apparently. I am apparently out of that loop.  Anyway, he apparently made this suit to go to a convention of some kind and everyone fell in love with him.  I didn't think this was very weird.  People dress up to go to Trekkie things and other venues of the like. I think its awesome that this chubby older man has the gall to travel all over the place in that tight outfit.  More power to him! I think it's great!

The next was a guy named Jason Jackson that lives in suburban Sydney, Australia whose whole life revolves around Michael Jackson.  Ok. This one was weird.  But only because I think the whole Michael Jackson phenomenon as a whole is bizarre. I just never appreciated him after he turned into a white woman, I guess.  This guy calls his house Never land. He has a garden full of concrete animals that his father makes. His mother makes all of his costumes.  It is a touching story I guess. He heard an M.J. song when he was in the hospital with cancer as a child and it gave him hope.  So, naturally, he became a Jackson impersonator when he grew up.  One good thing is that probably the real M.J. didnt get to Australia as much as other places, so his fans get an awesome almost Michael show. Hey, its a Jackson performing!

I really loved the next dude.  This guy in Portland, OR wanted to be a real life superhero.  Yes, there is a such thing.  Zetaman and his sidekick Agent Null patrol the streets of Portland and gives to the homeless.  Whatever they need, he tries to give them.  So selfless, he gave his UGGs to someone during the show.  The other impressive thing to me was that he was giving medical supplies to a homeless woman that had one been an EMT, so that she could help her comrades.  This guy deserves a big Kudos.

Kaiju Big Battel was next.  It was "normal" people dressed up in costumes wrestling each other.  Though the costumes were kind of neat, I didn't see how it was all that different from WWF.  Not as expensive to get in? The fighters aren't on steroids? Maybe I just didn't get it. But, it was only a 5 minute segment.

The last part was on LARPing (live action role playing, in case you don't know of it). Well, is this really news? I never was into role-playing games or fantasy or anything like that. But, I am still aware that LARPing exists.  Its like the Renn fair in a way. But.... extended.

I was disappointed.  I expected the show to be about people doing really bizarre things in costumes. Oh well.  I wonder if I should watch or delete the other 6 episodes on my DVR.

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