Freelance Jobs

Thursday, June 10, 2010

MINOR Disaster

Last night we lost our satellite signal.  My husband was trying to fix the problem before calling DirecTV.  He reset the DVR. Makes sense, right? HA! Well, there are 2 different resets on the box, the soft and hard reset.  He clearly was not aware of what he was doing. The hard drive was wiped clean. Approximately 40% of the disc space was taken up by documentaries.  I would estimate that I lost about 20 hours of shows.  I can't really be angry, but I am in a state of awe and disbelief.

This morning I was able to get the signal back by hanging out the upstairs window and tearing down vines that had grown up the side of the house.  We still have a weak signal because of all of the huge trees in our neighbors yards, so we will have to get the technician to come out at some point and realign the satellite. 

So, today will be spent trying to remember and set up what season passes we had and setting a bunch of documentaries to record.  Not exactly what I had planned for the day! 

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