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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Antichrists EVERYWHERE

So, I watched this History Channel documentary called "The Third Antichrist" that is part of The Nostradamus Effect series. I've always been fascinated by Nostradamus and how he felt he had a 'god given' ability to see the future.  God given in that it tortured him, of course. 

The show discussed how in the quatrains of Nostradamus, there are three Antichrists, as opposed to the one Antichrist of the new testament and one "Antichrist figure" called  masih dajjal in Islam (the only other religion that has such a figure).  At the time Nostradamus had his visions, none of these figures had yet appeared.  Each of the three will be successively worse than the last.  Prior to the coming of the last Antichrist, there will be forerunners that will be mistaken for the Antichrist himself. Of course, the final Antichrist will signal the End of Days. 

There was, I admit, quite compelling evidence that Napoleon Bonaparte was the first of the three Antichrists.  One quatrain states:

An emperor will be born near Italy
who will cost the empire very dear. 
When they see the people who ally with him
they will say he is less a prince than a butcher 

Of course, Napoleon was born in Corsica and cost his empire in many ways.  Another famous quatrain "names" Napoleon;  "Pau, Nay, Oloran will be more of fire than blood". Pau, Nay, and Oloron were french villages in the time of Nostradamus and when the words letters are switched around a bit it spells Napoleon Roy (king).  The last poem that mentioned regarding Napoleon was   

Roman Pontiff beware of approaching
The city that two rivers flow through,
Near there your blood will come to spurt,
You and yours when the rose will flourish

Pope Pius VI was driven our of Rome by Napoleon's forces in 1797 and died while vomiting blood in Valence, France, which is at the convergence of the Rhone and Isere rivers.  

Who can deny that if there are three Antichrists, that Adolf Hitler is the second? In more than one place in Nostradamus'  writings, he mentions the name "Hister". Close enough, right?  The most compelling quatrain is the following:

From the deepest part of Western Europe
A young child will be born to poor people
Who will by his speech seduce a great multitude,
His reputation will increase in the Kingdom of the East

 Of course Hitler was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth.  He was born in Austria along the Danube river.  Coincidentally (or not) the Latin for the lower portion of the Danube river is 'Hister'.  During a time when Germany was looking for a savior after economic collapse, his word spread and he was revered because of his charisma and compelling speeches. The show only referred to Japan as the meaning of the last line, which is a natural assumption.  However, Hitler also allied with the Grand Mufti, but Hitler did not put much effort into helping the Arab cause.

Who is the third Antichrist? According to Nostradamus, his name is Mabus and there will be a 27 year war after his death.  In recent decades a lot of people have been accused of being the Antichrist. Among them, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Henry Kissinger, GW Bush, and even President Obama.    I giggled a bit when they noted that gw backwards and upside down is ma, making his name Mabush.  However, since Bush went out of power without any drama, he cant be the Antichrist. Hes just one of the forerunners. No further comment!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nothing to Contribute

I've been contemplating starting a blog, but just never got around to it.  I have two problems that I hope can be resolved by writing this thing:

  1. I have a DVR full of documentaries and I'm getting angry looks from the family.  I need to watch them and have a reason to because simply, I have a lot of other stuff going on. 
  2. My family does NOT want to hear about the documentaries when I do watch them.  I like to talk about what I learn. I have stopped watching them to stop annoying them. 
The other day I wasn't feeling well and went on a tv watching spree.  I should have started the blog before I did that. Oh well. Life goes on.  Tomorrow I'll watch some tv.